AAO Membership Benefits: A membership in the Art Association of Oswego offers you discount prices on our classes and workshops, and allows you to use studio time in our ceramics studio and class/printmaking room. All members are invited to participate in the Annual AAO Members’ Art Exhibition, which is held during July & August (overlapping Harborfest weekend).
Our Members are vital to the success of our organization; we can’t exist without them! Members are encouraged to become active partners in the AAO. There are numerous ways to be involved:
- Attend meetings and give us insights on where we’re doing well (or not!) and how we can do better. Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 6-8 PM at the AAO.
- Volunteer to serve on a committee.
- Run for an elected position on the Board of Directors
- Offer your particular strengths and skills to make us all stronger.
- Serve as a gallery attendant.
- Volunteer to organize an opening reception or bring a dish to share.
- Come to an “All Hands” Work Day to clean out and organize a space, paint walls, etc.
We’re open to suggestions if you have ideas for ways to serve that you don’t see happening yet at the AAO.
Membership Rates:
Starving Artist | Super Star Sponsor * | ||
Student | $30 | Bronze | $100 |
Individual | $40 | Silver | $250 |
Family * | $50 | Gold | $500 |
Senior (age 62+) | $30 | Platinum | $1,000 |
Want to use a paper copy of the membership form? Click here to download a PDF.
2024 Board of Directors
- Bill DeMott & Karen Ringwald: Co-Presidents
- Tim Moxley: Vice President
- Lee Shelton: Secretary
- Theresa Bower: Treasurer
- Bill DeMott: Exhibition Coordinator
- Chris Metcalf: Gallery Coordinator
- Doug Farden
- Marylynn Jones
- Tim Moxley
- Margaret Prisco
- Larry Rapshaw
Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 pm at the AAO. All are welcome to attend! Bring your questions and comments to help make a great Art Association.
AAO Membership List
Updated January 30, 2025
Please note: Membership fees are due on the last day of your “anniversary month.”
If your name is in bold, your membership renewal is past due.
Thank you for your support!
Name | Expiration Date |
Adamec, Carol | 04-2022 |
Alechina, Elena | 11-2025 |
Annenberg, Lisa | 12-2021 |
Arcadi, Charlotte | 05-2025 |
Armstrong, Silvia | 07-2024 |
Auyer, Ken | 11-2023 |
Avalon Duo/Juliet Forshaw | 12-2023 |
Baldwin, Douglas | 12-2022 |
Barrios, Aruasy | 07-2024 |
Bartle, Howard | 07-2024 |
Beason, Suzanne | 06-2025 |
Bergan, Bonnie | 10-2024 |
Bergeron, Linsay | 04-2024 |
Besaw, Kathy | 12-2021 |
Besch, Marianne | 05-2025 |
Besch, Rosemary | 05-2025 |
Beyerbach, Barbara | 03-2025 |
Bishop, James | 04-2022 |
Bishop, Laura | 06-2025 |
Blanchard, Jennifer | 10-2022 |
Bond, Morgan | 03-2025 |
Bouchard, Madison | 06-2024 |
Bovier, Emily | 07-2024 |
Bower, Theresa | 06-2025 |
Boyzuck, Teri | 04-2023 |
Burke, Michael | 01-2026 |
Burrell, Marcia | 07-2024 |
Cady, Charlotte | 08-2022 |
Cahill, Julie | 11-2025 |
Caraccioli, Pamela | 04-2023 |
Carr, Jennifer | 01-2026 |
Carroll, Grace | 09-2024 |
Castaldo, Adeline | 05-2025 |
Castaldo, Paul | 05-2025 |
Chalone, Deborah | 06-2025 |
Chapman, Sarah | 06-2025 |
Chase, Sage | 05-2025 |
Chatterton, Rebecca | 06-2024 |
Chepko-Sade, Diane | 12-2022 |
Chipman, Janice | 09-2024 |
Clark, Cassandra | 10-2025 |
Clark, Kassondra | 11-2021 |
Clark, Marguerite | 02-2022 |
Clark, Robert | 06-2025 |
Clift, Philip | 06-2025 |
Comerford, Susan | 08-2025 |
Connolly, Deborah | 03-2022 |
Cowell, Charles | 06-2025 |
Cranfield, Barbara | 07-2024 |
Crapser, Kimberly | 12-2022 |
Crawford, Sarah | 05-2022 |
Curry, Deborah | 12-2023 |
Czirr, Jeanne | 11-2023 |
Czirr, Karl | 11-2022 |
Davies, William | 06-2025 |
Davis, Charlene | 08-2022 |
DeLuca, Jennifer | 01-2026 |
DeMott, Bill & Susanna | 06-2025 |
Devlin, Deidre | 06-2022 |
Devlin, Nellie | 06-2024 |
Diaz, Justine | 12-2021 |
Diem, Crystal | 04-2022 |
Dighe, Ranjit & Pagano, Anne | 10-2025 |
Donahue, Mary Ann | 01-2026 |
Donovan, Kellie | 11-2021 |
Dowie, Sandra | 01-2022 |
Doyle, Lorraine | 05-2033 |
Droz, Elizabeth | 03-2023 |
Druce, Cheryl | 01-2025 |
Dufresne, Amanda | 01-2024 |
Dykas, Matthew & Leah | 08-2023 |
Edgar, Valerie | 03-2025 |
Edick, Catherine | 11-2023 |
Elsner, Edward | 01-2025 |
Engelke, Deborah & Ray | 06-2025 |
England, Brian & Madeline | 01-2023 |
England, Jennifer | 01-2023 |
Engle, Trinity | 09-2025 |
Ensman, Mary | 11-2021 |
Eron-Freeman, Maddy | 12-2025 |
Farden, Douglas | 09-2025 |
Finn, Robert & Wendy | 05-2025 |
Flanagan, Michael | 05-2024 |
Frederiksen, Evelyn | 10-2022 |
Friedrich, Richmond | 09-2022 |
Furletti, Deborah | 07-2022 |
Garland, Paul | 03-2025 |
Gates, Ann | 03-2025 |
Gerberich, Ellen | 07-2024 |
Ginn, Dorothy | 08-2023 |
Goggins, Amy | 03-2024 |
Gombas, Emma | 10-2024 |
Graham, Patricia | 09-2025 |
Gregory, Rachel | 05-2023 |
Gregory, Sara | 06-2025 |
Grewal, Harleen | 11-2023 |
Griswold, Rebecca | 01-2024 |
Hanford, Lee | 09-2024 |
Haskins, Ashley | 08-2023 |
Hendricks, Rachel | 01-2023 |
Henry, Joanne | 11-2024 |
Henry, Maggie | 01-2026 |
Holl, Katherine | 03-2024 |
Hollinger, Matthew | 06-2025 |
Holman, Erica | 07-2024 |
Hoover, Kristy | 03-2025 |
Hopkins, Dawn | 03-2025 |
Howard, JoAnne | 06-2025 |
Hunt, Liz | 06-2025 |
Hutton, Deale | 03-2025 |
Irland, Sarah | 01-2026 |
Jadus, Carol | 11-2025 |
James, Nadine | 12-2021 |
Jennings, Susan | 12-2023 |
Jerred, Benjamin & Brittney | 11-2022 |
Johnson-Neuland, Tyrone | 03-2025 |
Jones, Katherine | 01-2022 |
Jones, Marylynn | 11-2025 |
Jones, Robert | 04-2025 |
Jones, Shelly | 06-2025 |
Joyce, Jessica | 07-2022 |
Keltz, Stephanie | 01-2022 |
Kennel, Krystal | 05-2024 |
Kester, Bob & Laurie | 06-2022 |
Knittel, Maureen | 01-2026 |
Kropf, Emma & Megan | 08-2022 |
Kryzkowski, Sarah | 02-2023 |
Kulp, Nicole | 11-2022 |
Lamont, Christine | 09-2024 |
Larimore, Holli | 05-2024 |
Lathrop, Amber | 05-2025 |
Leighton, Bert | 06-2024 |
Lewis, Cindy | 07-2024 |
Lipton, Rose | 02-2024 |
Loayza, Inna | 05-2025 |
Losurdo, Justin | 10-2021 |
Mace, Yvonne | 12-2021 |
MacNeill, Patricia | 11-2023 |
Mahan, Peter | 11-2023 |
Malone, Judy | 04-2024 |
Marrano-Johnson, Laurie Ann | 11-2021 |
Martin, Melissa | 12-2021 |
Martin, Sarah | 01-2025 |
Matthews, Brittany | 01-2022 |
McDougal, Maryann | 01-2025 |
McGivney, Anne | 12-2025 |
McTiernan, Betsy & Sussman, Hall | 03-2025 |
Metcalf, Christine | 05-2025 |
Metcalf, Helene | 06-2023 |
Metzgar, Richard | 07-2024 |
Meyer, Brandan | 06-2024 |
Miller, Seth | 05-2024 |
Mitchell, Emily | 09-2024 |
Moore, Barbara | 10-2022 |
Morgia, Jackie | 11-2022 |
Mosher, Wayne | 03-2024 |
Moxley, Tim | 2024 |
Mullen, Joan | 04-2022 |
Neveu, Jackie | 03-2025 |
North Coast Yoga | 06-2023 |
O’Brian, Jessica | 09-2025 |
O’Brien, Faith | 11-2023 |
Oertling, Janet | 05-2025 |
Oertling, Sewall | 05-2025 |
Olson, Dinah & Eric | 03-2025 |
Oswego Players | 04-2025 |
Patrick, Carl | 06-2025 |
Peterson, Billie Jo | 06-2025 |
Pierce, Mary | 07-2024 |
Poormon, Robert | 03-2024 |
Popp, Mike and D’Amone | 11-2025 |
Pratt, Anita | 02-2022 |
Prisco, Margaret | 12-2024 |
Proto, Ed | 11-2021 |
Pupparo, Diane | 04-2025 |
Pupparo, John | 04-2025 |
Pupparo, Rosemarie | 07-2025 |
Rabow, Kimberly | 06-2023 |
Rank, Allison & Hurst, Tobie | 06-2024 |
Rapshaw, Larry | 08-2025 |
Ringwald, Karen | 03-2025 |
Robbins, Laura | 05-2022 |
Rock-Blake, Sally & Alan | 11-2025 |
Rose, Debra | 04-2025 |
Rosenbaum, Robin | 06-2023 |
Ross, Andrea | 05-2025 |
Rossiter, Kimberly | 03-2025 |
Schefcick, Nancy | 11-2024 |
Schmidt | 01-2023 |
Shannon, Linda | 07-2025 |
Shannon, Mary | 01-2025 |
Sharkey, Raeann | 02-2022 |
Shelton, Lelia | 01-2026 |
Show, Brandie | 12-2021 |
Siskavich, Lauren | 11-2021 |
Slater, Marcella | 01-2022 |
Slome, Emily | 01-2026 |
Smith, Alyssa | 04-2025 |
Smith, Pam | 12-2021 |
Smithers, Ellyssa | 03-2024 |
Snell, Barbara | 05-2022 |
Snyder, Laura | 01-2022 |
Sokolovskaya, Alla | 11-2022 |
Sorbello, Alexandra | 08-2025 |
Sorendo, Marybeth | 07-2025 |
Sorrentino, Michael | 03-2022 |
Sotherden, Beth | 07-2022 |
Sova, Lisa | 08-2023 |
Souva, Sharon | 03-2023 |
Starbuck, John | 08-2023 |
Stellingwerf, Zac | 11-2023 |
Stone, Rebecca | 10-2022 |
St. Onge, Jeff | 06-2025 |
Summer, Chad | 05-2022 |
Sundberg, Eric | 01-2022 |
Tennant, Karina | 11-2025 |
Tentis, Peter | 01-2026 |
Thomas, Meghan | 12-2021 |
Thompson, Diane | 10-2024 |
Thompson, Kate | 12-2023 |
Throop, Ron & Rose | 05-2025 |
VanEmmerik, Jane | 11-2021 |
Vanouse, Allison | 03-2022 |
Vanouse, Mary & Don | 08-2023 |
Van Syckle, Jeffrey | 06-2024 |
Wahrendorf, Jo | 06-2025 |
Wahl, Ellen | 07-2023 |
Wahl, Mark | 07-2023 |
Walawander, Linda | 10-2025 |
Warren, Karina | 03-2024 |
Waters-Poor, Margaret | 03-2023 |
Watts, Haley | 01-2025 |
Wellington, TJ | 04-2024 |
Wendt, Breanne | 02-2022 |
White, Kelsey | 03-2024 |
Wingfield, Allan | 06-2025 |
(Membership fees are due on the last day of your “anniversary month.” )