246 West Seneca Street
Oswego, NY 13126
Long-time Board Member and Exhibition Coordinator Bill DeMott suffered a heart attack on Saturday February 22 and was rushed to St. Joe’s hospital in Syracuse for bypass surgery and recovery. Bill spent a week at St. Joe’s and is now home, resting, and feeling pretty good! Bill said that he never had a doubt that all would be well (although others worried plenty for him!).
Unfortunately, Bill and his family do not have health insurance, so they’re facing some large hospital and surgery bills. Michael Flanagan, Director of Tyler Art Gallery at SUNY Oswego, contacted the AAO with a suggestion that we work together to set up a benefit for Bill and his family in an effort to help defray some of the financial burden they’re now facing. Dr. Michael Nupuf has jumped in to help by securing a venue in which to hold this fundraiser and providing some prizes for a raffle.
Raffle tickets and chicken dinner tickets are $10 each and may be purchased at the Rivers End Bookstore in Oswego, the Oswego YMCA, and also will be available at the door the evening of the event. Takeout orders for the Chicken BBQ are available.
Bill DeMott Benefit @ The American Foundry banquet facility in Oswego, NY
Saturday, April 12, 2014
5-10:00 PM
Chicken Barbecue – $10/ticket – sit down or take-out
Dinners include: ½ chicken, salt potatoes, and baked beans
Prize Raffle – $10/ticket
First Prize: Weekend getaway in NYC including spending money (or $1000 cash)
Second Prize: $500 worth of restaurant gift certificates to 10 local restaurants for $50/each.
Third Prize: a George O’Connell print.

Art Auction – a silent auction for a beautiful variety of original artworks and gift baskets.
How Can You Help?
You can donate a piece of artwork for the auction, create or solicit a gift basket of goods and/or services to raffle, sell advance dinner and raffle tickets (coming soon), or work the event! We’ll need people sell tickets at the door, clear tables after people eat, move art during the auction, hang posters around town, and hand out postcards for the event to all of their friends, and of course plenty of people to come spend money! Those who would like to help can contact Laurie Kester, AAO President, for more details: 343-6599.
Checks for tickets or donations should be made payable to: Bill DeMott Benefit
Thank you.